Underberg & Kessler attorneys are staying abreast of legal developments that affect those in our community and have been busy posting updates to provide reliable and trustworthy information for those in the community who desire it. You can find all of these updates on this page, our COVID-19 Resources Area. We update this page regularly.
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All of our attorneys are available to help answer any questions you may have. Stay safe & healthy.
Communication Regarding Coronavirus
The concerns surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to rise, not only world-wide but right in the communities where we live and work. At Underberg & Kessler, we want to assure you that the health and safety of our clients and employees remain our top priority. We are following the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and our local and state health departments in order to safeguard everyone’s well-being.
We understand in difficult times, having access to legal services is critical. Underberg & Kessler has plans in place to maintain continuous operations in order to service our clients. All of our attorneys are fully equipped to employ a wide variety of effective and convenient ways to work remotely with our clients and to follow best practices. We encourage our clients to do the same, so that, together, we can fulfill to the utmost the specific social responsibilities called for during this time. U&K has the tools and resources necessary to arrange virtual meetings by phone, video conference or other means. We are committed to continue to serve our clients at the highest level of excellence.
As we have been a trusted advisor to our clients for nearly a century, we welcome the opportunity to discuss any challenges you or your business are experiencing due to COVID-19. You can contact our Managing Partner Anna Lynch here or by phone at (585)-258-2823.
At Underberg & Kessler we are confident in our ability to provide uninterrupted legal services, while ensuring the well-being of clients and employees.