Underberg & Kessler LLP was pleased to provide a team of experienced attorneys who effectively delivered the NYS required training on sexual harassment discrimination and avoidance on 9/11/19. The training was geared towards:
•Employees - all employers with more than one employee must comply
•HR Personnel - who will learn how to conduct future internal trainings (train the trainer)
Every NYS employer must provide all employees, contractors and interns with this sexual harassment avoidance training annually.
There are plans for this event in the fall annually, but if you missed this year's event and still need your employees to receive the training, our attorneys are happy to conduct the training at your office(s). Please contact us here. The fall 2019 agenda is below for reference.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contacts us here or call us at 585.258.2800.
Locust Hill Country Club
2000 Jefferson Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
September, 11th 2019
8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Training Begins
11:00 AM Training Concludes
Your trainers will be:
Paul F. Keneally, Esq
Jennifer A. Shoemaker, Esq
Alina Nadir, Esq