Alina Nadir

Jan 2, 20191 min

Cuomo Vetoes Addition of Bereavement Leave to Paid Family Leave

Governor Cuomo vetoed the bill we described in our last post that would have added bereavement leave to the list of acceptable reasons to take NY Paid Family Leave.  Cuomo indicated that he generally supports increased bereavement leave but felt that the bill, as written, would lead to an “extreme expansion” of Paid Family Leave.  Cuomo argued the bill would necessitate an increase in employee contributions, and felt the financial burden of increased contributions might be too much for some low-wage and middle-class workers. 

Another potential problem area identified is that the bill allowed for bereavement leave any time within 12 months of the qualifying event. 

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here or call us at 585.258.2800.
